Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today's Agenda:
1.  Watch a 2:44 minute Youtube video of a young man who earned a Bachelor's degree in Art by the time he was 17 years old.  Remember the CLEP exam I had you review 2 weeks ago?  He took a few of them, which means that he tested out of expensive college courses and didn't have to spend the time or the money to take those classes and therefore delay his employment or business goals.  Some people don't mind wasting time.  Regrettably, some aspects of school encourage wasting time.  You don't let individuals waste your time, do you?  Why give institutions that privilege?  Your time, your energy, your money, and ultimately your wealth are what are important for you, important to you.  Please consider taking a CLEP exam in a subject in which you feel well-versed.  Get more information here, here, and here.  Check with Ms. Livingston in the College & Career Center or with Mr. Frankel in the Library to see if they have CLEP study guides and CLEP practice tests.  Do this today before you leave school at 3:05.  Find out when the test dates are.  Fit one of the tests into your schedule, pay for it, show up, and take it.  Challenge yourself.  Get going with your energetic self today.  Why wait?  Start building a name for yourself, to yourself today.  Why wait?

2.  Create a Gallery Slideshow
A.  You'll need the software.  Download a free trial of Wondershare onto your computer.  Do that now.  Have it uploaded onto your computer in less than 10 minutes.  Don't take longer than that. 
B.  To create a gallery show of someone else, you'll need a SIM card reader.  Don't have one?  Check the prices here: sim card reader.  They're cheap.  Get one.
C.   3.  You'll need a free sound editor.  Use Audacity.
4.  Start taking photos of someone you want to feature in your slideshow documentary.
5.  Download Adobe's Photoshop Element.  It's free, except for the fact that you've got to provide your information.

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