Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Broker Between Buyer & Seller

The following business and skill was how millionaire master marketer, Jay Abraham, began a new career when he found himself out of work.  He lost a job.  He needed money.  So, he bought a newspaper.  He opened it up to the want-ads.  But instead of looking for a job, he looked at what people were selling. Then he looked at what people wanted to buy.
For one of the products in the paper, he found a buyer of one of the products that a guy was advertising to sell.  He called the seller and asked if he could get a commission for selling the product to the buyer advertising it in the newspaper. The seller agreed, so he contacted the guy who wanted to buy the product. To the buyer, he offered to supply it at the price the seller was asking. The buyer agreed and accepted.
Jay Abraham made a commission by finding a buyer for the seller.  He enjoyed the process; it worked for him.  He began to repeat the process.
Use the local newspaper or Penny Saver.  These cost you money.
Craigslist is free to advertize.
The Process
First, you need something to sell.  Maybe you have one in your attic or garage.
Second, write an ad on Craigslist explaining the benefits; do not fill the ad with the product's features.  Describe how better they will be if they own the item.  Prove this improvement with the features of the product.
Third, take 6 to 12 photos of the item.  The Craiglist reader/shopper has to see the item.
Fourth, price it right: cheap.  You are after the experience, not the money.
Fifth, run the ad on Saturday morning and Tuesday morning.
Sixth, do not list your phone number in the ad.  Use your email as the only option.
Seventh, when someone responds, send a link to a page on your WordPress.com or blogspot.com site. It costs nothing to set it up.  At your blogspot, write an even longer ad.  At the end of your blogger or wordpress site ad, provide your phone number.
You want two shots at selling the person before you get a call: once through Craigslist, and then through your blog.  You know this person is ready to buy.  This will take you time, maybe a few weeks; don't get discouraged by the time.  But once you have sold half a dozen items, you will understand the basics.  You will have self-confidence and momentum.  That is what this article is about.
Repeat and Become a Broker in Your County
Once you've established self-confidence, go to friends and family.  Let them know what you do.  They'll perceive your confidence.  Ask them if they have items they want to sell.  Tell them you'll split 50-50. You want each item to be at least $50.  Don't waste your time on nickle-and-dime items.  Take a few items home.
Sell them on Craigslist following the process above.  Repeat the process.

You will become a broker, a knowledgeable and reliable salesman who services the needs of both buyers and sellers in a county, a kind of online yard sale.
Imagine working this with a high-income church, like a large church.  The member of a church donates an item that normally sells for (say) $500.  You agree in advance to split 50-50 with the church.  You offer a good price to the buyer: $300.  The church gets half the money: $150.  The donor gets a receipt for income tax purposes: whatever the church received.
Here is the angle.  Rich people find it difficult to establish real-world prices for large-ticket donations.
This way, the church can give the donor a specific receipt, one that the IRS will honor.  So, you are after high-ticket items.
There are lots of ways to find items to sell. If you can write decent copy, you can create a nice side business.
As for the mechanics, this will help you get started.


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