Monday, May 16, 2011


Part I

If you are planning to go to college, taking the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) Exam will save you 2 years and thousands of dollars.  Your parents will love you for it.  Do you like wasting time?  Fine.  Enjoy a 4-to-5-year "college experience."  Don't like wasting time and want to start your career before many others?  Then take the CLEP Exam.  Do you have a truckload of money to unload at the front steps of your university admission's office?  Then consider taking the CLEP Exam to avoid wasting spending your hard-earned money.  Money does not grow on trees.  What that means is that money is not plentiful; therefore, spend it wisely.  Spend it to learn productive, money-making and value-making skills.  To find out more about the CLEP Exam, look here.  The following article states that 85% of all college-graduates end up returning home after college, strapped with nearly $25,000 in debt.  Do not become a "Boomerang Kid."

Post your answers to the following questions at your blog:
1.  What does CLEP stand for?
2.  Identify 3 advantages to taking and passing a CLEP Exam.
3.  At the CLEP site, open up a test for any of the subjects.  Go the left-hand menu and find "Registering."  At the page, find out how much a CLEP Exam for one subject costs.  Answer that question: How much does single CLEP Exam cost?
4.  Which two subjects of the CLEP Exam would you be interested in testing?
5.  What is delaying you?

Part II

1.  Go to summer school.
2.  Pass a CLEP Exam.
3.  Get a job.

Summer school allows you to do several things.
     A. Take a class, such as typing, that you don't have time for in the school year.
     B. Take a make-up class in which you are doing poorly and should drop immediately.
     C. Take a make-up class that you flunked or did poorly in, which you could not (or did not) drop.
     D. Take a class early, such as algebra II, so you can get into a class where you need it, such as chemistry.

If you do not go to summer school, then you should be doing one of the following:
     1. Pick a subject to study.
     2. Work full-time.
     3. Relax after a full 8-hour work day.

Note: if you want to type really fast without getting tired, don't learn to type on the standard QWERTY layout. Learn on a Dvorak (ASK) layout. The Dvorak keyboard option is in Microsoft Windows. You can easily select it. Dvorak reduces the movement of your fingers by 90%. No one has set a world speed record on anything but a Dvorak-type keyboard in two generations. For more information, click here:  For instructional material, visit

Study for a CLEP exam in the same course as your summer school course. This way, your study time does double work. You will get a higher grade in the course, and you will pass the CLEP with a higher score.

If you pass two CLEP exams for a full year's course, you have just saved your parents (or yourself) the cost of tuition for that course. Tuition for a state university is $400 per semester credit for in-state residents. Multiply this times six. That's $2,400. Some schools charge more. At an Ivy League university, it's $800 per semester unit.

If you spend three hours a day for 30 days studying for CLEPs, you probably can pass two CLEPs.  If you do this for three months, you can probably pass three one-year college courses through the CLEP Exams. Three six-credit hour CLEPS are the equivalent of over half of the freshman year. Do this for two summers, and you will walk into college as a sophomore. You have just saved tuition ($5,000+), room and board ($5,000), and incidentals (????).

There is no job you can get in summer that will pay you after taxes what passing three CLEPs will save you.

Or you can study for one CLEP and work full-time.

Find out which courses will be offered next summer. If you're not taking a make-up course, see if there is anything you can take for which there is also a CLEP exam. I recommend U.S. history or English. Better yet, take both, back to back. Don't forget to lecture to the wall: one page, one class.

If you decide to get a job, get a job with a local business that isn't a franchise. Your goal is to learn how that kind of business operates. Don't settle for flipping hamburgers unless you are willing to learn all about the franchise.

It's far better to work at some job where you can learn about business. Do the grunt jobs, but keep your eyes open. Take notes. Show up 15 minutes early. Leave 15 minutes after your shift ends. Don't charge for the extra work. When the manager or owner sees that you work really hard, start asking questions about how the business operates. Never work at a job where you aren't able to learn about the business. The extra money isn't worth the time wasted by not getting an education.

If you get a job you can work at during the school year on a part-time basis, that's best.

You want to have a good time this summer. You want to lounge around, watch TV, wander aimlessly, and generally goof off.

Forget about it. No more. Childhood ends now.

An adult goes to work every day, five days a week, eight hours a day, 50 weeks a year. A company owner goes to work five or six days a week, 12 hours a day, 50 weeks a year.  Kids play in summer.

Get used to thinking like as adult. This is crucial for your long-term academic success. The Bible says:
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. (Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, 13:11)
It's time to begin making your transition to adulthood.

Forget about summer vacation. It's time to start converting summer into money. Go to summer school to make up a class, take a class in advance, or learn a skill like typing.
Study for at least one full-year CLEP. Try to make it two full-year CLEPs.
Get a job if you aren't in summer school. Try to get one that will teach you about running a business. Try to get one where you can work part-time during the school year.

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